Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Treasure I Found

I found a treasure deep inside of me.

It said that I am worth.

Everything God went through creating me from earth.

This treasure more valuable than the highest stock.

More priceless than the rarest rock.

This treasure I found no one can take it

It’s authentic can’t counterfeit or fake it

It’s my treasure Only to be witnessed in my presence

you can feel the heat of the glow or bask in the essence

I won’t tell you what my treasure is

It protects my health preserves my wealth

It guides my decisions leads me to the light

helps me decide between wrong and right

My treasure has not reached it’s full potential

It has become more valuable with everything I’ve been through.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I See You

I do have eyes.
I use them to see
through the fog that's rising
around me.
A terrible fog,
that seems unnatural
creatures clawing from the mist
a scent so foul it's attacking you.
and drawing us in
with a sort of false comfort.
Promising us safe harbor on a peaceful port.
while I see into this fog I envision a large fort.
A better attempt to control import and export.
I want no part of this it's bigger than me!!
Please allow me to escape with my dignity.
Does the fog hear me,
as an individual hear my plea
I hear talks of a rising economy
and different kinds of fuels
for lower price automobiles.
The fog seems good but still,
I can't pay my bills.
so I use my reality
to judge what is real,
because this fog starts controlling how I feel.
Angering me with generalizations
Everyone is different from their station
to skill, or occupation.
The fog then soothes me with intoxication,
or show me wonders beyond human imagination,
then upset me again with lies and exaggerations.
I cant even trust other people views,
as I see, the fog controls the news,
but I do have eyes and I use them to see,
the good and the bad that surround me.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

In Loving Memory

In your memory,

I’m going to hold our family down.

In your memory,

I got to stand tall and on solid ground.

In your memory,

Loyalty over respect and money.

In your memory,

No longer moving like a dummy.

I knew you’d leave before me.

I warned you damn near everyday,

Told in every single way

Placed demands on you,

Even put my hands on you.

Not to hurt you but to stop you,

Had to grip you up before the cops do.

I must have slipped or I simply failed,

Still got caught up in this streets over drugs sells.

Now I see why Pac say aint no g’s in hell.

Your heart was so big.

Held ya peops down; no gig.

Give’em the shirt off your back.

Didn’t care if they was White, Rican , or Black.

In your memory,

I’m going to hold our family down.

In your memory,

I got to stand tall and on solid ground.

In your memory,

Loyalty over respect and money.

In your memory,

No longer moving like a dummy.

I got to let you know that we were trapped,

And god chose you to take the rap,

Now I’m supposed to live thinking this way.

Missing you every minute of the day.

You were my other half before I had a wife,

But you still had respect for my life

And you loved her like I do.

The minute she heard you died ,she cried too.

And sped through the traffic jumping in and out the lanes.

Your leaving us only added to her pain.

And mommy was insane.

In the kitchen on the floor

And you can see that she don’t want to live no more!!

And our sisters didn’t believe the police,

And all I could scream was what about my niece?

In your memory,

I’m going to hold our family down.

In your memory,

I got to stand tall and on solid ground.

In your memory,

Loyalty over respect and money.

In your memory,

No longer moving like a dummy.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Mom Told Me

I wanted to turn it down a notch.
Give my creativity a shot.
Just express life even if it isn’t mine.
To paint a pretty picture I’d have to lie in every line.
And I don’t mind that I’d do it for the art,
I’d do it for peace just to play my part.
I’d forget all I ever knew that’s unfair.
Forget that I cried so much that I ran out of tears.
I’d forget the failures and the let downs.
Just to make genuine smiles out of these harsh frowns.
So much pain my life has known,
Following me from childhood days until now when I’m grown
Peers dying in their teens, with nothing in between,
The day they were born and the last day they seen.
I wanted to turn it down a notch ,
but my mom said I better not.
You better keep it real that’s tell the truth.
We don’t need water burn off the roof!!!
They did it to the M.O.V.E. MEMBERS ,they’ll do it to you.
They locked up your brothers, cousins, and friends too.
Turned your fathers and uncles out on drugs.
Then raised you in the street with thugs.
Tell them that don’t cut your feelings off.
Whatever you do don’t go soft!!

My Prayer

I’m counting on you God to help see my way through.
I can’t count on anyone so I’m coming to you.
The unseen, the almighty, and I’m asking you some questions.
Why did you put me in this world without protection?
How could you allow the law to hold me back?
There's already so much I lack.
How long must I fight to keep my family from crying?
How do we fall for the same traps without realizing?

What do you want from us?
Suffering was enough for the Jews what about us?
The black American born from oppression.
Brought and sold and treated like someone’s possession.
Undereducated and experimented on.
Never promised a thing from the day we were born.
Raised on hatred guided by abused feelings
Getting by on robbing and stealing &bad dealings.
Life’s hard we learn that as children
Eating free lunches during the summer with our siblings.

What can we do God to earn your favor.
I love my family and my neighbor
Respect my mom and my pop
But who’s going to stop the cops?
Who’s going to protect my rights?
Who’s going to referee a fair fight?

I’m asking YOU GOD to be the one.
TO be with me while I fight so I won’t have to run.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why ask Why ?

Don't you see me sticking with you?
Punch the wall, but won't hit you.
even in a state of total disagreement.
I thank god for the blessing he sent.
You only try to save me from myself.
Trying to keep me from risking me, for wealth.
Trying to keep me out of jail.
Slow my pace to hell.
So I don't ask why.

I like to rub away your pain.
Take on your strain.
Try not to bring you shame.
If it's going wrong ,I'm gonna take the blame.
You were good when I met you,
so I don't have to sweat you.
Worry never, about your loyalties.
So to me, you'll always be royalty.
Empress of my heart, Queen of my reality.
To make my day just smile at me.
So why ask why?

Just love me for the ease, I strive to provide.
Love me for our thoughts that coincide.
Love my body love my soul.
This is love, not a struggle for control.
You for me, me for you.
What else did you think we'd do.
I carry you, you carry me.
That's why I asked you to marry me.
That's why.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boy To Man

I came into this thing, a young minded screw-up.
Through time, feelings, and responsibilities I grew up.
We survived rumors and lies, nothing broke us up nothing broke our stride.
Us against the world man and women side by side.
No shame, no game, and no joking.
We laying grounds setting bounds this bind can't be broken.
This is heavier than a crush and deeper than love.
Because of you I stand up plus we fit tight like gloves.
Not just sexual,not just intellectual,.
I know I'm blessed by the best when I'm next to you.
You made me a Husband, you made me a dad.
You make me whole, you make me glad.
Glad just to know you.
This poem is a monument of the love I owe you.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm Just Warming Up

I'm just warming up.
I can keep on writing.
Like the middle east gonna keep on fighting.
As long as urban hoods battle poverty,
that might lead to bank robbery.
As long as the poor will be under educated.
As long as being born black, mean being hated.
the world will never be color blind.
but even worse we're hated by by our own kind.
I can keep writing,
as long as politics is sure to be crooked
and, if a vote is stolen the republicans took it.
I can keep writing as long as the sky is blue.
as long as the picture of Jesus is a white Jew.
I can keep writing poems and articles that ring more true.
As long as i pray to a God in heaven.
I'll pray my writing feed my sisters and brethren.
I can keep writing maybe not to your liking.
I'm Housing Project bred and raised like a Viking.
or sent out early on my own like a Spartan.
I can keep writing, I'm just starting.
Providing literature that draws you in and enlighten.
That's why I'm writing.
To share knowledge and spread horizons.
Try to explain there's more to life than dying.
More than having our mom or wife crying.
How about making them proud, buying them home no one can seize.
They tired of seeing their man on his knees, facing arrest.
I write, 'cause when i do, I'm at my best.


Nice to meet you

I've seen a lot in 33 years on Earth. I'm in my second marriage,the father of 6 and the grandfather of 2. I'll share what i know and I'll learn from others. Feel free to read any of my poems, short stories, or articles on urban life.